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Category Archives: Health

Includes 10 vitamins and minerals that enhance the body's efficiency.

Includes 10 vitamins and minerals that enhance the body’s efficiency.

Of course, vitamins and minerals, even though they are classified as secondary nutrients, or what is called Micronutrients , are still nutrients that are necessary for the body because they help promote the body’s functions to be more efficient. Today, we have gathered 10 types of vitamins

Researchers point out that these "fats" do not make you fat.

Researchers point out that these “fats” do not make you fat.

Many people probably already know that fat and carbohydrates (starch) are nutrients that are important causes of weight gain. or become obese if eaten improperly But new research from scientists in Spain suggests that not all fats make us fat. and does not have any

5 foods that should not be eaten with alcohol

5 foods that should not be eaten with alcohol

Actually, we wouldn’t recommend drinking any alcohol at all. But if you need to go to a party Or having to socialize with friends with alcohol is inevitable. Besides that we recommend drinking small amounts. We would like to talk about foods that many people

When you have stomach pain, nausea, or diarrhea, things you should not eat include: Dairy products Dairy products contain lactose. Some people also have lactose intolerance. This is because lactose makes it difficult for the stomach to digest. Therefore it may cause stomach pain. or more diarrhea rice bran Rice bran is high in insoluble dietary fiber. Therefore, when eaten, it goes straight to the intestines. The same goes for granola, brown rice, and whole-wheat pasta. bean Sugar in nuts (Alpha-galactosidase) causes stomach irritation. It may cause stomach noises or gas in the stomach. This is because the body may not produce enough enzymes to digest these sugars.

Foods that should be “avoided” if you are sick

During the rainy season like this, taking care of your health is something that requires special attention. When you are sick, you need to see a doctor to treat the symptoms. But food is also something that cannot be neglected. In addition to eating nutritious food To

Grilled pork and more danger than cancer

Grilled pork and more danger than cancer

“Tonight, let’s have grilled pork. ” When do friends hang out together? You only need to have grilled pork. Because in addition to being able to eat all you can I’m full until tomorrow morning. Still affordable Think about the price and have to second. Oh wow, it’s more than worth

What can the color of our snot tell us about our health?

What can the color of our snot tell us about our health?

Whenever I have a cold, I always have mucus. Both clear water with viscous mucus Whiteish-greenish-yellow Different mucus colors What can you tell us about our health ? Let’s see. Why is mucus colored? To indicate the nature of our health? The color of our mucus tells us about our health. Because the color